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PHS 115
Women and Minorities in Science


Catalog Description:
Meets the associate degree general education requirement in Science.  Does not satisfy a lab science requirement.
Meets the associate degree diversity requirement.
3 credit hours - Three hours weekly; one term.
Analyzes the contributions that female and minority scientists have made to the development of fundamental theories of science, such as the nature of light, the structure of the atom, the structure of DNA, and gene replication.  Examines ways attitudes toward gender and race have influenced definitions of scientific inquiry and of scientists, the social implications of this influence, and present efforts to make science more inclusive.
Prerequisite:  Eligibility for ENG 111.
Note:  also offered as WMS 115; credit is not given for both PHS 115 and WMS 115.
Links to PHS 115 information on AACC faculty/staff pages:
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