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CHE 112
General Chemistry 2


Catalog Description:
Meets the associate degree general education requirement in Science.  
4 credit hours - Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory weekly; one term.
Examines kinetics; gaseous and aqueous equilibria - including acids, bases, solubility and complex ions; thermodynamics; electrochemistry; and nuclear chemistry.  The course introduces organic chemistry and consider aspects of environmental chemistry.  Laboratory work includes qualitative analysis and quantitative measurements. 
Lab fee:  $40.
Prerequisite:  CHE 111 and eligibility for MAT 151 (Pre-Calculus).
Links to CHE 112 information on AACC faculty/staff pages:
Professor Maureen Sherer's home page contains links to her current syllabi for CHE 112 Lecture and Lab, to her CHE 112 Class Page which contains practice problems, and to Study Tips for Science Students.
Professor Lynn Tracey's home page contains links to her current syllabus for CHE 112 Lecture, to assignments and handouts, to related web sites, and to her CHE 112 HELP Page (her Q&A Sheets are linked from there). 


Sciences Home Page / Physical Sciences Dept / Biology Dept / Environmental Center