Anne Arundel Community College Home Page

Student Clubs in the Sciences
at Anne Arundel Community College

Here at AACC, we have some pretty active student clubs.

  The Anne Arundel Community College's Astronomy Club offers a variety of activities to its members.  Possible activities include hosting Open Houses at the AACC Observatory, visiting installations such as Goddard or the Naval Academy's Planetarium, and sharing the wonders of the College's portable planetarium with local schools. 

The College's location near such hotbeds of astronomy research as Goddard, Johns Hopkins' Applied Physics Laboratory, Space Telescope Institute, and the UM College Park opens up a number of resources!   

Any student or member of the larger AACC community is welcome.  This makes a wonderful family activity!

If you would like more information, call Dr. Beth Hufnagel at 410-777-2271 or check out their web page at



For information, contact Professor Ben Weibel by email at or through the Science Office at 410-777-2260.

Activities for this club are determined by the students and have usually included field trips, guest speakers and an Earth Day table in the quad. Students also may contribute to their resumes by judging at local County Science Fairs.


  The Chemistry Club at AACC is quite active, and has  received numerous awards from its parent organization, the American Chemical Society.  Typical activities each year include field trips, Mole Day activities, National Chemistry Week activities, speakers, and our newsletter.  

For more information, contact Dr. Lynn Tracey ( or 410-777-2846).

Sciences Home Page / Physical Sciences Dept / Biology Dept


last updated 14 December 2008


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